Section 2 Assistive Technology in Operating Systems and Browsers
One of the best places to find assistive technology or UDL technology is for free in your operating system. Big name brands have figured out there are a lot of people that need this technology and that number will only grow with an aging population, a greater understanding of the technology, and a greater social acceptance of using this type of technology.
Android Accessibility Suite
Get started on Android with TalkBack
You have to use the Chrome browser to see this information.
Chrome Web Store - Accessibility -
Turn on Chromebook accessibility features
Google Accessibility
Google has a number of very popular products. This link will give you all of them and the accessibility features you need.
This company makes several products to make Google Suite products more accessible.
Grackle Accessibility Checker for G Suite
Chrome Accessibility
Windows 7
Windows 7 Accessibility Tutorials
Windows 8
Windows 10
Microsoft Accessibility
Accessibility Apple
This link has considerable information on accessibility for Apple products.
Mac Accessibility
Accessibility iOS
Apple Watch
Firefox is one of the most popular browsers. It has a ton of free accessibility features that you can use.