The UDL Educational Technology Guide 2019-2020: Technology for Special Education

John F. O'Sullivan

Section 9 SLP Assessments


The evolution of using iPads has not happened evenly. The apps in the area of speech and language have seen many apps appear. With the number of apps and the speed of this change, it is possible to go to two different speech and language pathologists and experience two very different approaches. A high-technology SLP could use any number of apps with an iPad that the traditional SLP would not. Both approaches are sound and good ways of working with peoples that have various issues.

Speech and language, educational or psychological tests have been scored on a computer for many years. However, doing an assessment on a mobile device is a huge advantage. An SLP could take a laptop with them to do an assessment.

What assessment to use and if they should be done with an iPad are a judgment call for a speech and language pathologists. The iPad is highly portable and is being used quite often by some speech and language pathologists. Some speech and language pathologists travel for their job. That would make many of these assessments more important.


Articulation Test Center Pro  Honorable Mention 

This app allows a speech and language pathologist to test students a number of different ways. This is a good way to assess what level a student is at.

Smarty Ears Apps

Many SLP have not yet moved to doing assessments with an iPad, but it is an interesting idea. A Speech and Language Pathologist that likes technology might want to check out some of the assessment apps from Smarty Ear apps.

Profile of Phonological Awareness (Pro-Pa)

This app tests phonological awareness.

App names: Profile of Phonological Awareness, Sunny Articulation Phonology Test, Bilingual

Articulation Phonology Assessment, Dysphagia2Go, Disfluency Index Counter, Common Core Early Language Screener, AtEval2Go,

Videos for Smarty Ears: 

Articulation Assessment ToolKt

This app tests how well a child understands all the basic sounds. This app also gets good ratings.

Bilingual Articulation Phonology Assessment: English/Spanish

This app tests the phonological awareness for someone that speaks English and Spanish. 


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