The UDL Educational Technology Guide 2019-2020: Technology for Special Education

John F. O'Sullivan

Section 2 OT Exercise


Dexteria Author’s Pick 

This has games and different exercises that help strengthen your fingers. The program helps develop fine motor coordination. 

Dexteria Jr. - Fine Motor Skill Development

A preschooler can do exercises with this app. When you ask for the same task on an iPad and not with pencil and paper with younger students, you tend to get better results.

Dexteria VMI Visual-Motor Integration Skills

This app has you put shapes in order.

Dexteria Dots 2 - Fine Motor Skills and Math Concepts

This sequel will teach math concepts and fine motor coordination.

Dexteria Dots - Get in Touch with Math

This app is a great way to practice fine motor coordination and math concepts.


You pick different colors and patterns that get more complex. This is a very interesting app.

Matrix Game 3

This app teaches visual perceptual skills.

P.O.V. - Spatial Reasoning Skills Development

The app is designed for ages 8-18. You have to read the description in the app store to understand the different features. The app is highly rated. This app is made by the same app developer as Dexteria. 

Ready to Print

This app was written by an occupational therapist to teach pre-writing skills.

Injini: Child Development Game Suite

This app teaches basic language and fine motor skills to young children. 


Cookie Doodle

This app allows students to work on fine motor coordination while making imaginary cookies. 

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