DAISY format is designed for people with disabilities. You have to qualify for services like Bookshare and Learning Ally in order to use a DAISY reader. In the past, people used to buy expensive readers for services like this. Today you can get an app on a tablet or a smartphone to do the same thing. There are also websites and extensions that do the same thing.
Voice Dream Reader Best of Class for an iPad
Dream Voice Reader can be used with a Bookshare membership to read DAISY format.
Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=voicedream.reader
A free service for talking books for people that qualify based on disability.
Learning Ally Link
This is a DAISY reader for Ally Learning.
Website: https://www.learningally.org
Mac https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/learning-ally-link/id906070888?mt=12
Learning Ally has software that will work with a computer. You have to be a member to download it.
Learning Ally Google Play
Dolphin EasyReader
This app is free and user-friendly. EasyReader is a good app for younger students. It highlights what it reads to you as well, and that is a plus.