The UDL Educational Technology Guide 2019-2020: Technology for Special Education

John F. O'Sullivan

Section 17 Student Communication

Google Classroom Honorable Mention 
This is one of the best tools to communicate and track student work. 
Google Classroom for Chrome:

Remind Honorable Mention 
This allows you to send reminders to your class.

Seesaw: The Learning Journal Honorable Mention 
You can create a student portfolio with Seesaw. 

ClassDojo Extension Honorable Mention 
This is a great program to keep track of students and communicate with parents. 

Share to Classroom Honorable Mention
This extension is designed to have you share webpages to Google Classroom. 

TES Teach with Blendspace
This is an awesome lesson building website and app.

This is a very popular website/app that does many things. You can create teacher webpages and share links and tons of information. 

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